Corset braids are the latest trend hitting Instagram
Superdrug shares with us that Corset Braids are the latest hair trend to hit Instagram......

Call up your grandma and let her know you’re coming round to raid her sewing box for string and ribbon to create the latest hair trend: corset braids.
They first popped up at Vancouver Fashion Week SS17, on the Lesley Hampton runway, and now it seems they’ve become the perfect way to style your hair for the festival season.
Although the braids may look as if they could only be done by a professional, they’re super-simple to DIY. Just plait your braids in whatever thickness your heart desires, then weave in the ribbon or string as if you were tying up an old-fashioned corset. Et voila, plaits a wrap.
Here are some great styles straight from Instagram, to give you a little corset braidspiration…
